Hello, so as we are approaching the end of January, I decided to flick through my Instagram to see what I've been loving this month, as Instagram is the place I tend to share the things I love most, I like to take pictures of everything I love! (It's becoming a lot more normal when I go out for food, for the people around to understanding why I feel the need to whap out my phone, Instagram problems...). I don't really like January that much, in fact, it's probably my least liked month of the year, mainly because it's grim, dull, everyone seems a little blue (hey, they don't call it the January blues for nothing), and just in huge need for an injection of sunshine! So as I try to enjoy as many months of the year as I can, January just isn't my favourite, but here are some things I've been loving, and have made January a little more fun.

The first little beauty is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream, wow, how did I live without this?! Excuse the battered tube, but I've had some use out of this! My other halves mother actually gave this to me, as I was curious about it, and after hearing some rave reviews, I really wanted to buy one, but before I did, she gave this to me, sweet! I use it on my lips particularly, as I always suffer from dry lips (even in the summer, no logical explanation, I'm just one of those ill/unfortunate, no explanation kind of people, LOL). This smells really strong, but you only need a small amount, as it works wonders for whatever you want it for, whether as a lip balm, hand cream, pretty much anywhere that needs moisturising, buy it NOW.

One word, ELF. Yep, I'm pretty addicted to ELF, and through the month of January, I've been building on my collection (above), and I LOVE IT! It's amazing how cheap the products are, and also how good quality they are, it may look like I've been a little crazy (I actually am, who cares), but all this probably cost under £30, even though it wasn't all bought it once, it's still an impressive amount of makeup to have, for such an amazing price. If you haven't jumped on the ELF bandwagon yet, do so.

Something I think I'm probably about 6 years late talking about, although I suppose it's shampoo...can you ever really be late for a hype about shampoo?! Anyway enough rambling, this is my favourite new colour shampoo range. As an avid user of the Herbal Essence Bee Strong, which definitely leaves my hair the way I like it best, I thought it was time I started using a colour shampoo, as Bee Strong doesn't protect my colour (as it's a strengthening shampoo, not colour protect), so I invested in this little trio, 3 for £10 in Boots. There's a shampoo, conditioner and leave in conditioning spray, and considering they cost £4.80 each, that deal is pretty good! They smell like bubblegum, and I'm enjoying the idea that they preserve the colour of my hair (even if it is all psychological I still like the idea...)

Random fav, Disney socks! I love Disney, and anything quirky, so when I saw these Adorable Alice in Wonderland socks in Primark, I knew I had to have them. I own pretty much all of the Disney socks from Primark, but these Alice ones are my favourite, as it's one of my favourite Disney films. They cost £2.50, cute!
This month I added two new Kate Moss lipsticks to my already well loved Kate Moss lipstick collection (01 is like my life), and I bought two shades I don't usually go for. Now 22, does NOT look like that in the flesh, it's NOT orange, it's a vibrant cherry red, this picture doesn't do it the slightest bit of justice, I hate orange lipstick, so I'd never buy it, but yes, it's a lovely, vibrant cherry red, which will look lovely in the spring.
Shade 03 is a gorgeous pinky nude, that compliments my skin tone, without giving me that dreaded foundation/I've got no lips kind of look, it just looks really natural, like that old saying, "your own lips, but better"..well yes, it's a lovely lipstick, and looks really nice for an off duty kind of look, especially pared with a smokey eye.
Starbucks Frappucino's! This is an old favourite, that I've recently/randomly rekindled my love for, this past month I've bought a few of these! I love both the Raspberry and blackcurrant, along with the Mango and passionfruit, I've always loved them, but this past month, I've really been loving them again, and even though it has been freezing, I've shunned the hot chocolate in favour of these. (Yes those are my friends in the backgrounds, love them).

Lastly this month, I've been ADDICTED to the TV show Revenge. I'd heard about this before, but I never really bothered to think about what it was/what it was about, in fact, I knew so little about it, I actually though it was one of those shows equivalent to Glee, hahah, definitely shows how little I knew about it, it's the best Drama I've watched in a long time. I only ever usually get addicted to Reality shows (Real Housewives anyone?) they are the only TV programmes I can actually watch back to back without losing concentration and flicking through my phone, and apart from Dexter, this is the first show I've actually sat down, put the phone down (good sign in my TV radar), and really got into. I'm nearly on series 2, I know the third series is currently on E4, it's my newest TV love.