Thursday 12 December 2013

Catching Fire review!

(I do not own this picture). 

OMG CATCHING FIRE WAS AMAZING. I am a hugeeeeeeee Hunger Games fan girl, I have been for a while now, and was given the first book as a Christmas present, before there was even news of the film, so I consider myself an official proud fan, hehe!  I love all three of the books so much, plus the two films so far, I'd been waiting for what felt like forever for this film to be released!   

Firstly, Jennifer Lawrence is definitely the star of the show, she's outstanding, just as she was in the first, and secondly, Katniss (her character) kicks ass, I left the cinema dying to shoot a bow and arrow! She is amazing.  My other favourite character is definitely Caesar, he is so funny, and I love how he brings the comedy element to such a serious plot, he's my icon! (Well,...not really, but I do love him).   I'm not gonna give too much of the plot away, especially if you haven't seen it and are going to, but what I will say is that even though it leaves a few parts of the book out, it definitely does it justice, and along with Harry Potter, one of my favourite book to film adaptations!

Ps. Thank you to those who've given me positive feedback on my blog! :D

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